Wednesday, 25 January 2017


1. AAFI = Amateur Athletics Federation ofIndia
2. AAPSO = Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organisation
3. AASU =AllAssamStudentsUnion
4. ABM = Anti Ballistic Missile
5. AC =Alternate Current OR Air Conditioner
6. ACC = Ancillary Cadet Core
7. AD = Ano Domini (After the birth of Jesus)
8. ADB = Asian Development Bank.
9. AERE =Atomic Energy Research Establishment
10. AGOC = Asian Games Organisation Committee
11. AICC =AllIndiaCongress Committee
12. AICTE = AllIndiaCouncil of Technical Education
13. AIDS =Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
14. AIFE =AllIndiaFootball Federation
15. AIIMS = All India Institute of Medical Sciences
16. AIL = Aeronautics India Limited
17. AIMPLB = AllIndiaMuslim Personal Law Board
18. AIR = AllIndiaRadio (Broadcasting)
19. AITUE = AllIndiaTrade Union Congress
20. AM = AntiMeridian(Before Noon)
21. ANC =African National Congress
22. APEC =AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation
23. APSC =Army Postal Services Core
24. ASEAN = Association of South East Asian Nations
25. ASLV= Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle
26. ASI = Archaeological Survey ofIndia
27. ASSOCHAM= Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry (India)
28. ASWAC =Airborne Surveillance Warning and Control
29. ATS = Anti Tetanus Serum
30. BAMS= Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
31. BARC =Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
32. BBC =British Broadcasting Corporation
33. BC =Before Christ (Before the birth of Jesus)
34. BCG =Bacillus Calmette Guerin (Anti TB Vaccine)
35. BCCI = Board of Control for Cricket inIndia
36. BEL =Bharat Electronics Limited
37. BENELUX = Belgium,Netherlandsand Luxemburg
38. BHEL= Bharat Heavy Electronics Limited
39. BIFR = Board of Industrial Finance and Reconstruction (Formerly Industrial